About Us

Hi! I'm Katherine and I've always been into all things crafty! During the endless COVID lockdowns I discovered a passion for making bright & funky clay earrings. However, there was one big problem - I couldn't wear any of them as every 'hypo-allergenic' earring I'd ever worn irritated my ears!!

I looked far and wide and finally stumbled onto Niobium and Titanium which didn't react with my skin AT ALL because they are both non reactive, inert metals (yay!).

Asking around I found so many other people had exactly the same issue with their ears and with my new found knowledge (and my youngest starting school) Blue Tango was born!

By supporting Blue Tango you are also supporting a local NZ charity which is very close to my heart. $1 from every sale will be donated to Bare Necessities which assists new Mothers in need. They donate starter packs to new Mothers which include items that every new mum should have access to; but that many cannot afford.

For announcements on upcoming releases, and behind the scenes sneak peeks, please visit our Instagram page @bluetangonz .

Thank you for choosing to support small!!

Katherine xx